Q&A with Ali Hodgson, Biosphere Artist in Residence
05 September 2024

As we continue our Sustainable September campaign, we are thrilled to present an insightful Q&A with Ali Hodgson, the Isle of Man’s Biosphere Artist in Residence. Ali’s innovative project, ‘REIMAGINING our Biosphere’ game, highlights the importance of creative collaboration in tackling sustainability challenges. Ali shares her journey, insights, and the role of creativity in driving positive change in the Isle of Man.
Stay tuned for more insightful articles as we explore innovative ways businesses and individuals are embracing sustainability throughout the month!
- Can you tell us more about your role as the Biosphere Artist in Residence? What inspired you to take on this role, and what are your main objectives?
I was delighted to be selected to fill the year-long role, in collaboration with Manx Wildlife Trust, UNESCO Biosphere Isle of Man and supported by the Isle of Man Arts Council. As well as being an opportunity to work with some of the leading organisations on our Island that put people and planet at the heart of what they do, it has been an opportunity to develop aspects of my own work that I wanted to bring into the world to create positive change. A big part of this has been the launch of my ‘REIMAGINING our Biosphere’ game.
- How did the REIMAGINING our Biosphere project come about, and what is the primary goal of the game?
The REIMAGINING our Biosphere game is a project that draws on my previous work as a values-led graphic artist and social designer. I am passionate about working with complex social and environmental issues and know from experience that games are not only a powerful tool for helping people engage with these kinds of issues, but there is an urgent need for more joined-up approaches to tackle our global (and local) issues. The aim of the game is to help players collectively redesign our future in the Isle of Man, whilst taking into account the whole human and ecological system that we are part of.
Sustainability and the Biosphere
- How does the REIMAGINING our Biosphere game contribute to promoting sustainability in the Isle of Man?
Since the game’s launch in May this year, it has been played by hundreds of people of all ages and backgrounds. I have been blown away by the responses, creativity, collaboration and engagement of those players. I am hopeful that the game has shown them something new about the sustainability challenges we face and how there is a need for creativity and whole-systems awareness in the face of those challenges.
I am now focusing on working businesses and policy makers to showcase the deeper collaborative potential of the game to create change, and meeting anyone who is keen to collaborate in this way. The game is taking off beyond the Island too, with opportunities for it arising in other parts of the world and I hope to use the Isle of Man as a compelling showcase.
- How does your work with the Manx Wildlife Trust and UNESCO Biosphere Isle of Man support the broader sustainability goals of the Island?
I think in lots of ways, and I am excited because although my year-long residency with both of those organisations is coming to a close, my work with them is continuing and there is lots in the pipeline, not just with the game. For example, as my role with Manx Wildlife Trust continues to evolve to help uplift the business and brand side of the organisation, I am enjoying helping them continue to find ways to succeed and prove that organisations in our Island can, and must, hold all aspects of their business in alignment with our wider sustainability goals, and that this can be done in ways that are regenerative and abundant.
Upcoming Events
- Can you share more details about the public drop-in game session on September 18th?
Absolutely. From 2:00-5:00pm at the Santander Work Café in Douglas, I will be running a public game session for anyone who is interested in learning more about the project, or to chat about any of my work. Equally, I would love to hear what successes and challenges other businesses and individuals are having with their sustainability journeys. The event is free – come at any time and stay for as long or short as you want. I’ll be next to the giant game board!
- What can visitors expect to see and learn at the pop-up exhibition from September 16th to 20th?
The exhibition is both a celebration of the work I have done in the past year as the 2023/24 Biosphere Artist in Residence, and a showcase for what the game has achieved so far. As the exhibition is being held at the Santander Work Café, I wanted to give it a bit of a business slant, so I have included some powerful messaging around the connection between our Island’s economy and biodiversity. Expect lots of colour and imagination too!
Impact and Future Vision
- How do you envision the REIMAGINING our Biosphereproject influencing future sustainability initiatives in the Isle of Man?
As I mentioned earlier, my main focus for the game now is to use it as a method for collaborative change by bringing together businesses and policy makers on our Island. I hope it can be a tool that others can use to help with this mission, and as it is very customisable, a way for organisations to use specifically with their own unique challenges and themes to help stimulate innovation and direction. If anyone is reading this and would like to connect or learn more, please get in touch!
- What advice would you give to businesses and individuals looking to engage with sustainability in creative and meaningful ways?
Do it! I strongly believe we need businesses and individuals who are willing to dare, create, make mistakes and be bold if we are to ignite true change. I believe there is much that can be gained from businesses working more creatively: storytelling, vision, collaboration and innovation are powerful tools. When I moved to the Island just a few short years ago and set up my own business as a values-led freelancer, everyone said it could not be done and there was no demand, but what I have seen is quite the opposite and I believe other businesses should be brave and explore how they can centre themselves with more value-led approaches too.
On a more personal level, creating a career that has meaning beyond my own individual gain has been game-changing: who doesn’t want to wake up every morning feeling full of purpose and passion, knowing that you are making a positive impact in the world?
- How can your work help inspire other businesses and organisations on the Isle of Man?
I believe creativity is something all businesses need. As a bioregion, the Isle of Man is perfectly situated to be a showcase and we have an amazing opportunity here to show the rest of the world how it’s done. I think businesses need to find ways to hack the creative industries if they want to succeed and I also deeply believe in cross-disciplinary ways of working – none of us can do this on our own. It is my deepest hope that new ways of working and collaborating continue to emerge as we move into the future together as an Island.