Royal Manx Show Application Form 2025

Sign-up Form: Friday 8th & Saturday 9th August 2025

I understand that personal details about me will be held electronically and manually, subject to the requirements of the Data Protection Act 2018. The Department will not share my details with third parties without firstly seeking my permission.

A copy of the Department for Enterprise's Privacy Notice is available to view here. Should you have any queries surrounding this Policy, please contact:
Department for Enterprise Data Protection Officer
St George’s Court, Upper Church Street, Douglas, Isle of Man, IM1 1EX

Please read Information for Applicants before completing this form. Click here to view the document.
For guidance or help completing the form please email or call 1624687520.

Applicant Details
If a producer please mention your use of local ingredients.
I have a Registration number with DEFA Environmental Health *
Confirm your space requirement across the two days

Please note, that no payment is needed at this stage. Once we confirm your space allocation, you will be invoiced for your total fee which is payable in advance of the event.

Please indicate the required space *
Prices include VAT

These costs include: marquee cover, site charges, electric supply (domestic rating only) and sockets (any number). Tables are not provided. The costs are subsidised by DEFA.

Please provide details of electrical requirements.
Do you require power? *
Stand holders are responsible for ensuring that all electrical equipment brought on to the Show field is safe to use, in compliance with Health and Safety requirements.
Please state phase requirement *
What socket type do you require?
Please include the power/wattage of each product.
If using a microwave, please state the type:
Please provide test certificate number
Environmental Considerations
Plastics pollute our environment. Organisers would like to make this event as environmentally friendly as possible and reduce the use of plastics. An alternative to plastic bags is to be encouraged. Could you state any changes that you have made or are going to make to becoming more environmentally friendly, whether this is by decreasing the amount of plastic packaging or decreasing your carbon footprint?

In making this application, I acknowledge that I meet the necessary criteria; that any electrical equipment brought on to site by me has a valid P.A.T. certificate and that I will provide copies of Product and Public Liability Insurance certificates, valid for these dates. I will also notify the organiser of all the activities planned for my area so that Health & Safety matters can be covered in the Show plan.

*Denotes a required field