05 September 2022

Here at Henderson and Glass, we understand the importance of coffee. It goes beyond your morning cup. It is the oldest, most traded commodity that our civilization has known. It’s made of caliphates and grown by communities in the deepest mountainous jungles across the world. It’s been the fuel for the creation of ideas big and small for hundreds of years.

We’re passionate about not just coffee, but good coffee. This is not only coffee that tastes great, but also assures that the farmers and workers receive fair wages for their product. We use coffee with a Specialty Certification from the Specialty Coffee Association. The Association has produced, alongside independent roasters, a system that judges coffee on quality and sensory experience. The speciality industry works with communities and commits to certain farms, respecting that these communities know their own needs. As such, speciality coffee is fresh, high-quality, and varied in flavours.

Ultimately, you know who has grown and picked your coffee, and you can trust your money is going to the right people. After selecting a supplier that is ethical and sustainable, for us it’s Mercanta - The Coffee Hunters, it is about choosing the right beans that will give our customers a fantastic taste experience. We select a variety of samples - and then the fun begins. All our coffee is roasted in-house through carefully tried and tested procedures, to produce a coffee taste that honors the hard work that goes into each cup.

Currently, we source our beans from the Finca El Tambor farm in Guatemala. The farm is owned by Victor Calderon, a fifth-generation coffee farmer. Victor was so committed to coffee, that he sold his home and exchanged his car for the farm. Coffee is energy intensive. After planting the first seed, it takes four years of careful management before you see the literal fruits of your labour. Coffee needs a lot of love - and a lot of water. The love and care that goes into our coffee are immeasurable and you can certainly taste this in your cup.

How do you stay sustainable?

Why not visit Henderson & Glass for a sustainable cuppa? You can follow them on Facebook and Instagram, and read more about them on LoveIOM.