Gift Guide For The Organised
14 November 2024

For those who decided that November 1 marked Christmas, you’re no doubt super organised and already planning what presents to buy.
And those of you who haven’t given it a second thought, I’m in your camp and will be joining you in a panic shop down Strand Street on Christmas Eve.
Organised people, I hate you but respect you. I wish I could be that organised, but sadly I like to always think I have plenty of time and constantly put things off for another day.
Another day then arrives, but that then becomes the day I need to have everything done and panic ensues.
Truth be told, I love the panic. It’s a mini challenge I set myself, toxic I know.
For The Organised
What makes you lot even worse, is that you’re probably really good with money and have budgeted for Christmas.
You won’t be joining the rest of us Tasmanian Devils in the stress of last minute shopping on a budget, running out of money and having to think of imaginative ways to survive until the January pay check.
Organised folk, let’s get into it. First, figure out who we need to buy for. Set a boundary. Have you seen them in the last six months? No? Then they are not getting a present.
Although, with that said, unless you want to be the relative that all the kids hate, you’re going to have to get the little urchins a good pressie.
Hope to dear lord they don’t already have it as they won’t thank you.
They’ll inform you they have it and throw a decent strop which will make you question as to why the hell you just threw £45 down the drain on some poxy lego, when in fact that could’ve got yourself two decent bottles of wine to drink your sorrows away.
I speak from experience with this one, I also asked the Mummy if the child had the present. She said no, she was wrong. It was hell.
For the little ones. Christmas is magic. So no, a good present is not a dose of reality and ruining all Christmas spirit by informing them that a certain someone may not exist and actually one had to put in some serious hours to purchase said present.
A good present: LEGO! Yes, I slated it before, but actually it’s pretty mega, and as long as they don’t already have it, they will be ELATED, plus it’ll keep them occupied without an iPad.
Lego has somewhat improved, since the 20+ years ago I was an innocent adolescent. It does however hurt the exact same when you stand on it.
You can purchase dinosaurs, horses, cars, planes, buildings – legit everything kids love; and you do NOT have to order these online.
Simply wander into your closest toy shop (JAC Stores, The Entertainer, Nevernever Land at Tynwald Mills) and let your inner child go wild.
Lego is also brilliant as it can suit a vary of ages; so no, don’t get your five-year-old nephew the 12+ set as your sister says “they’re really mature for their age”, they’re not, they are five.
Without going on a rant, it suits a lot of ages and all genders of sprog. Ideal.
For the teenagers. This isn’t so easy. Teenagers are (as I once was) impossible.
I feel so old that I truly struggle as what a teenager would want nowadays. But I have a few ideas, that I think won’t break the bank:
- Instamax Mini (£60) – This generation are OBSESSED with their phones, but as an millennial I haven’t figured out ‘the cloud’ and fear I never will. So I encourage photos in physical form, and the instamax mini provides that; plus its cute, vibey and just a cool toy to have.
- Smartphone Photo Printer (Range from £30 – £100) – I have one of these and to be honest, they’re bloody brilliant. Similar to the above, but you can just plug it into your phone and print your own pictures out; plus some of the papers have a sticker back so they’re great for scrapbooks etc.
- Portable Charger (Around £20) – a boring present, but a very good one. Phones are always running out of charge, and that generation are glued to them. This makes it the ideal present. Walk down Strand Street and pop into pretty much any technology shop, or you could go to IQ on Prospect Hill.
Parents and In-Laws
This lot will repeatedly tell you they don’t want anything. DO NOT make that mistake. They do want something, they’re just being polite.
Looking at my parents, they probably wouldn’t thank me for any present that is technology based; unless it’s something that enables them to watch Clarkson’s Farm – bought them a fire-stick a few years ago and they were BUZZING, however the likes of Airpods would be totally wasted on them.
With that in mind, I have some good ideas which I think would please everyone:
- Vouchers: I’d go to Sadlers, Tynwald Mills, M&S, Horse & Rider, Kirby Garden Centre and Riley’s. All have clothing options for pretty much anyones taste, and if they don’t fancy clothes they can get something useful.
- Home Essentials: Now come on, who doesn’t get a bit excited at the thought of a new air fryer or a hoover. I refuse to believe I am alone. Head to Butler’s Choice, Ken Quine Waltons or Marown Electricals.
- Books, Crafts & Feel Good Vibes: I’m talking self help books, candles and all the booze the world has to offer, and luckily for you this can all be obtained locally VERY easily. Take a wander into The Book Company, Island Inspirations or how about heading to one of the many Christmas markets the island has to offer.
If the above fails, head to Robinsons for some flowers, or go to the corner shop and get them a milk tray.
Organised Partners
If you’re organised, I feel I don’t need to help you with this one.
Truly organised people will have already have a had a flurry of ideas as to what to get their partner.
You’ll no doubt have organised this the moment last Christmas was over and have a long list.
My leaving words to the organised are: Before you order online, have a skeet at what is available on the island, you’ll be surprised at what our own shops can offer.
If you’re a business reading this and think you have the perfect Christmas gift please do get in touch at to be used in future gift guides.
Credit: Article was written by Charlie Morrey,