Resources & Support for Hospitality & Retail

Find out more about support options for the Isle of Man's hospitality & retail sector.

Workforce and skills

New and existing support for staff including TT 2024 incentive, Alcohol Licensing Training Support, Employee Relocation Incentive and, Seasonal Worker Incentive.

Managing expenses

Find out more about how you can manage business overheads including, utility bills and VAT payments.

Stimulating demand

Initiatives to help increase footfall to your business.

Investing in your business

Schemes that support your investment in improving your premises.

Quick Links

Alcohol Licensing Training Support

50% support towards cost of Training

Employee Relocation Incentive

Grant support of up to £10,000 towards relocation costs

Seasonal Worker Incentive

£1,000 grant per employee, paid retrospectively

Join Hospitality Isle of Man Board

Submissions close on 24/07/2024

Frequently Asked Questions

Hospitality and retail businesses in the Isle of Man can access support through a number of schemes. Given below is a brief outline of the existing support options.

For Staff

Employee Relocation Incentive

Seasonal Worker Incentive

Alcohol Licensing Training Support

Vocational Training Assistance Scheme

For Your Premises

Business Energy Saving Scheme

Accessibility Grant

For Your Business

Business Advisory Scheme (under Business Improvement Scheme)

Business Isle of Man provides direct support to Local Businesses through a designated contact.

This assistance can be sought for various reasons, including but not limited to:

  • Feedback on the current trading conditions and future opportunities.
  • Feedback and concerns around economic headwinds.
  • Support for completion of Enterprise Support enquiries.

You'll find our Local Business Development Executive regularly visiting the Island's Town Centres, engaging with local businesses daily. To schedule a meeting, please reach out via

Your Local Business Development Executive

Thomas Richardson-Hall

Business Development Executive

+44 (0) 1624 685115

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