Agricultural Shows
Southern and Royal Manx
Apply to exhibit in the Manx Produce Marquee. Deadline for applications is 30 April 2025.
Application Forms
Southern Agricultural Show
Saturday 26th July to Sunday 27th July 2025 at Orrisdale Farm, Ballasalla
Royal Manx Agricultural Show
Friday 8th to Saturday 9th August 2025 at Knockaloe Farm, Patrick
Information for Applicants
Please forward a copy of your Product and Public Liability insurance valid for the Show dates and with a minimum level of £5,000,000 for each liability, must be shown to the organisers before the event. It is recommended that you have an insurance cover for loss (theft) of high value items.
Stall holders may be asked further health & safety information to support risk assessments and decisions regarding planning. You should complete your risk assessment when submitting your application form.
You will need to complete the FSA allergen training and provide a copy of your certificate:
Once you have completed and returned this form, we will then confirm your space allocation together with your invoice which is required to be paid in advance of the event.
Any cancellations or change in site pitch will need to be made 4 weeks before the event date. We are unable to alter invoices once they have been sent out two weeks before the event. We are only able to cancel invoices in very exceptional circumstances.
To book a place in the Manx Produce Marquee, you need to meet the following criteria:
- All produce sold must be grown, reared, caught, brewed, pickled, baked or smoked on Island or, where processed, this must contain local produce. Local means produce from the Isle of Man.
- You will need to have a valid P.A.T certificate within the last 12 months, for any electrical equipment brought with you and used during the event. This will help to minimise tripping of electric supply.
- All stallholders must comply with current Trading Standards and Environmental Health requirements. All stallholders selling food/drink should be registered with Environmental Health and provide their registration number. Stallholders must provide relevant allergy information. Sales of alcohol are not possible as the marquee will not be licensed.
- All stallholders should identify any hazards that their stall could present to people at the show and take steps to remove or reduce the risk that these might cause damage, injury or illness.
- All exhibitors must agree to share their revenue data with DEFA and DfE following the event. This will be in the form of a survey sent to all exhibitors after the show.
Please note that the rules of the Southern Agricultural Show and the Royal Manx Agricultural Show are set by their Show Committee and not by DEFA/DfE. Anyone wishing to submit a bid for a catering contract or those who wish to purchase a trade stand should respond directly to the Show Secretary email:
Southern Show:
This application form is for an area within the Manx Produce Marquee only. Please be aware that restrictions apply to the sales of sandwiches and similar products for which there are approved suppliers, appointed by the Show Committee. However, cakes or pies can be sold provided that they are large or sold in containers and drinks can be sold in bottles: in other words, produce presented for consumption away from the Show is acceptable as it is not deemed to be in competition with the approved catering contractors.
If you are unsure as to whether your goods or services might contravene Show Committee rules, please discuss this by contacting us at, in the first instance.