Domestic Event Fund - Main Route

Domestic Event Fund

This form is for applications to the main route of the Domestic Event Fund. If you are looking to apply for an event in a single hospitality, retail, or leisure venue under the Winter Event Scheme option please use the dedicated form here.

The Domestic Event Fund provides support for up to 80% of eligible costs to event organisers and local authorities to develop events which will drive footfall and increase spending with nearby businesses. Before completing the application please refer to the Fund guidelines for more detail on eligibility.

To apply you will be required to provide the following:
- Details and description of the event including dates and venues
- A breakdown of the costs involved and other sources of income funding the event
- How the event would provide value to local businesses and support the community
- Confirmation that the required insurances are in place
- An overview of the promotion plans for the event

It is recommended you have this detail to hand before starting an application.

If you have any specific questions please contact the team at

Applicant Details
Official registered address of applicant or organisation
Is the business VAT registered? *
Have you or your company/organisation (or in the case of individuals, your spouse) ever been declared bankrupt? *
Are you or your company/organisation awaiting any criminal or civil proceedings? *
Event Details
For recurring events, please enter the start date and provide more details in the summary below.
Economic Impact
Repeat Events
Has this event taken place previously? *

Please note - Local Authorities may now apply for support for repeat events without new elements, provided they demonstrate past success in meeting the aims of the Fund. However, the level of support will be lower.

Would you like to submit future plans for this event?
Organisers of new events are invited to share a three-year plan demonstrating how the event will become established longer term. With this, funding support may be offered in principal beyond the first year on a sliding scale to assist in the event becoming self-sustaining. These details can be shared by email and must be submitted ahead of the review of this application.
Event Costs and Income

Eligible costs for reimbursement include:
- Equipment hire
- Entertainment
- Marketing
- Insurance
- Health & Safety
- Event Organiser
- Costs related to the purchase of event equipment which can be reused at future events for Local Authorities/Town Commissioners )

Costs not eligible for reimbursement by the Fund include:
- Food
- Drink
- “Freebies”, prizes., etc.
- Charity donations
- Payments to club officials, members or officers of the organising committee, unless previously agreed by the department.
- Travel and accommodation for participants, friends, family, judges, performers or artists, unless previously agreed by the department.

If you are VAT registered these costs must be Net of VAT. Remember: if income includes 'in kind' sponsorship, the expenditure which this offsets must be detailed in project costs.

A breakdown of costs can be supplied on the form below or emailed to:

A breakdown of the costs and income of the event are required to process your application. This can be provided below and/or as a separate document.
Event Production Costs
Total of the above amounts
Marketing Costs
Total of the above amounts.
Other Event Costs
Is the event reliant on any logistical arrangements, for examples road closures or a shuttle bus service? If so, please include details here along with the status of any applications.
Total of the above amounts
Include name of Insurance Company and the amount of Public Liability Insurance
This should be the combined value of the figures listed above.
Up to 80% of eligible costs
Event Income
Other Sources of Funding
Has any Private Sector Sponsorship been secured for this event? *
Have you applied for, or do you intend to apply for other Public Sector Funding for this event? *

Please note: The Department for Enterprise reserves the right to contact other public funding bodies and consult with them regarding the details of this application and your application to them. This may affect the level of funding offered.

Please provide details of the sources and amounts of the remaining funding.
Additional Documentation
For example any promotional materials you would you like to share.
Terms and Conditions

I understand that personal details about me will be held electronically and manually, subject to the requirements of the Data Protection Act 2018. The Department will not share my details with third parties without firstly seeking my permission.
A copy of the Department for Enterprise's Privacy Notice is available to view here. Should you have any queries surrounding this Policy, please contact:
Department for Enterprise Data Protection Officer
St George’s Court, Upper Church Street, Douglas, Isle of Man, IM1 1EX

By proceeding with your application, you agree to the above declarations.
Ticking the button below is confirmation that you agree to the Domestic Event Fund's terms, conditions and permissions, which can be found at Business Isle of Man's Domestic Event Fund page.

Declaration *

*Denotes a required field